Monthly Archives: November 2014

How to “Find Yourself” at 50


The QuizThis year, I reached a milestone of 50 (not in pushups, unfortunately, but in years). When I turned 40, shopping like crazy for the next decade seemed an acceptable course of action, but when I hit 50, at least some self-reflection was pretty much unavoidable.

How hard could it be? After 50 years I thought I had a handle on myself. On the keeping it real side, I have reconciled to the fact that I am not actually a good cook, or very crafty (despite embarrassing efforts on both), and I will never learn to like Cantaloupe. In the glass is half full kind of way, I have a healthy (if somewhat immature) sense of humor, I am good at taking on new challenges, and I am thrilled I never, ever have to learn to like Cantaloupe.

However, I was totally unprepared for the new realm of cyber self-discovery offered by the Facebook Quiz. Do you know it? The rampant quizzes offered online that allow the user to not only discover something they never knew they needed to know about themselves, but also the ability to share the vastly interesting findings with everyone on Facebook – things of great import such as What Broadway Musical are you?, Who is your Hunger Games Soulmate?, and How Many Goats are You Worth?

At first I laughed and made fun of people who took them (I’m 50; I’m allowed to do that). But curiosity got the best of me. Once I began to actually take the quizzes the depth of information I did not know about myself seemed endless. I couldn’t stop taking them and over the course of several months, I took every quiz I could find. I made some astounding discoveries.

Some of them made complete sense like,

1.  My personality color is Blue (even though on another day I took the quiz and could not stop getting the color pink – which makes me wonder if I have a split personality I was previously unaware of).

2.  If I were in a Horror Flick I would die right away (I always suspected as much).

3.  If I were a precious stone I would be an Emerald (Probably because I have watched Wizard of Oz a gazillion times.)

Some discoveries I can’t believe I went 50 years without knowing such as;

4.  If I was a Golden Girl I would be Rose (those “blond” moments have finally caught up with me).

5.  If I were a dessert I would be a Lemon Tart (because I am witty, zesty…and old).

6.  My hippy name is Luna (which my kids decided, made complete sense).

However, some information I found hard to reconcile like:

7.  If I were a movie character I would be Tony Stark (a complete let down from the standpoint that I would need to have man parts and was totally hoping for Holly GoLightly.)

8.  My boyfriend from the past was Cary Grant (I always thought of myself as more of a Montgomery Clift kind of girl – you know, the torchured brooding type).

9.  However, getting to smooch with Cary Grant (or Monty) hardly mattered since I also found out my most likely death in the past was to go down on the Titanic (completely proving my refusal to go on cruises did not actually stem from sea sickness and a fear of buffets).

10.  I am only 55% Bada$$ – meaning I am only a “Bada$$ in training wheels.” (But since the quiz, “What Famous Bada$$ are You?” said I was Mati Hari, I suggest you still watch your back).

And some of the discoveries I was just plain dubious about like:

11.  I am actually NOT a psychopath (a relief to my husband although he is still skeptical).

12.  My secret talent is Staying Calm (I don’t think my family was consulted here).

13. My calling is to be a Creative Master. (Clearly my cut out sugar cookies blobs were NOT considered).

14.  The country that most suits me is Monaco because I was born to live in the lap of luxury ( I am 50 years past that birth, anytime would be a good time for that to start!).

15.  My ideal way to spend a vacation was on a road trip across the United States. (in a car for hours on end with two teenagers? I think not).

And then there were the quizzes that required retakes such as:

16.  Which State Are You? On first try I was Massachusetts, which is just too cold, so I kept taking it until I got California.

17.  What Decade Are You? I got the 50’s. But now when I wear 50’s vintage sweaters I look old instead of hip.  So I retook the test until I got the 80’s (cause the 80’s and shoulder pads are cool again).

18.  Who is Your Celebrity Boyfriend? On the first try I found out my celebrity boyfriend and soul mate was Ryan Gosling, which I was completely thrilled about. However, I was greedy and wanted to see who else I could pick from and on the second attempt got Channing Tatum (hmmm, how will I ever choose?).

19.  What Brand of Car Best Describes You? On first take I got Toyota Prius which meant I cared about the Earth, but also seemed so un-sexy. On the next try I got Ferrari which meant I was Fast and Fabulous (like, was there ever any doubt?)

In the end, I was just happy to know, via the quizzes, my mental age is 22 (which may be reflective of my enjoyment of immature humor), the one word that best describes me is “Adventurous” (probably because I am the Mom of teens and survived a polar vortex), if I were a dog I would be a German Shepard (I was just relieved not to be a Terrier), my ideal career is Actor (being able to cry on command gets a lot accomplished), my song is “Your Beautiful” (which must stem from my penchant for straggly haired folk singers),

And most importantly, in a trade/dowry situation, I am worth 7 goats (which totally miffed Teen, because he was only worth 6).

If you think this article is making fun of the Facebook Quiz craze, well, you would be right. However, despite my ridicule, there was something intoxicating (not to mention a great time killer) about answering a slew of random questions designed to reveal some potentially deep dark (or shallow) secrets about yourself. And I did learn a thing or two – Which happily proves, even at 50, there are still things to learn (and everything on the internet is true).

Therefore, in the spirit of my new discoveries, I am leaving behind the well-loved mantra of my 40’s “Shop ‘til you drop” (-all women everywhere), to adopt the new mantra of my 50’s “Learn as if you were to live forever” (-Gandhi) – Which should keep me plenty busy for the next decade learning new ways to continue to shop.

Oh, and if we should, in the future, happen to cross paths,

Just call me Luna and bring some treats for my goats.

To find out how many Goats you are worth…go here.
(But, if you are worth more than 6, don’t tell Teen).



iPhone Photography: Sweet Spot Goes to School


*In light of recent events, I can no longer in good conscience recommend the IPhone Photography School courses by Emil Pakarklis.  The business practices have become such that it is impossible to have confidence in the product and services*

It is so rare one has a legitimate excuse for procrastinating. In such cases, it is absolutely necessary to capitalize to the fullest. The truth is, diligent post writing has not been my strong suit as of late. I blame this on my husband… no particular reason; he is just a gracious fall guy.

However, my recent distraction has been so fun and educational, I wanted to share. For the past 7 weeks, I have been taking an online iPhone Photography class. I just got tired of having not quite in focus, overexposed photos or photos not exactly what I wanted them to be. I had seen amazing photos taken with the iPhone, so I knew it was possible. Plus, when I travel, I never want to lug around my big DSLR camera and rely mostly on my phone camera and little point and shoot.

Somewhat by chance, as I was once again searching for answers as to why my iPhone photos were not living up to my expectations, I came across the iPhone Photo Academy 6 week (plus 1 bonus week) online course given by Emil Pakarklis.

Since I had nothing better to do for the next 7 weeks – except all the things I needed to do – I decided to give it a go.

Suffice to say I learned a ton; basic iPhone camera use, photo composition and techniques, understanding how to use creativity, light, and shadows, good app editing that does not compromise the photo quality, photo moving and backing up and so much more. Plus, (and best of all for me since my brain in dog years functions more along the lines of a sieve as opposed to a sponge) the classes are always available online for me to revisit and review.

In the end, I learned (partly that many people will always take vastly better photos than I ) but mostly, taking better and even sometimes amazing photos with my iPhone is within my grasp.

I will share a few (or say seven) of my favorite photos I took (or in two cases, re-edited) during the course. Please be kind – I am a work in progress…

iPhone Photography

iPhone Photography

iPhone Photography

iPhone Photography

iPhone Photography

iPhone Photography Portrait

iPhone Photography

Disclaimer Alert: I did not receive anything from Emil Pakarklis for writing this review. I just got so much out of the course, more than even expected, I wanted to share with Sweet Spot readers (and capitalize on a good excuse for my lack of writing). If you are interested, the link for the class is below. Emil does a wonderful job presenting and explaining, and answers  all questions through an online chat as the course progresses. I don’t know when he will be offering another course cycle, but in the mean time, he also offers some free video instruction. I highly recommend the complete course!

iPhone Photography School