Paula Benedetti Danner

I am a Mom of two (male), wife (to also a male), professional dancer (penance doing CATS) and singer (which may or may not have included a big hair rock band), city girl(LA is great when not shaking, burning, flooding or rioting), transplant to the country (somewhere), snowboarder (on a good day), traveler (every chance I get), denim lover (actually, obsessed, but I am in denial – see most recent denim review here), teacher (when budget allows), shopper(when budget allows always),  writer (wanna be) and loving my new career as Company Manager (which,in typical dancer fashion I literally tripped into) for professional regional theatre.   I love to laugh and make others laugh more than almost anything.

When I turned 40…um, a few years ago…I vowed to try something new every year.  The year I founded Looking For the Sweet Spot, although not as dramatic as the year I decided to become a snowboarder, felt just as adventurous.  The idea being to use the blog as a catalyst to help me  actively seek out and write about moments, big or small, that string life together…and just to find a few laughs! Over the years, Looking For the Sweet Spot has morphed into primarily a travel blog – but what better way to seek out “the sweet spot”.

Why the “Sweet Spot”?  Let me explain:

In baseball it is when the ball meets the bat in just the right spot to achieve maximum response for the given effort.

In music it is when notes, tone and harmony coalesce to produce the perfect  sound.

In life it is when the blending of elements come together to create the optimal situation… laugh, cry or just smile, they are the moments worth remembering and talking about (and, of course, posting on facebook).

The Sweet Spot moments.

I hope you find some here. Thanks for visiting.



I am also honored to be a contributing writer on, in the company of some fabulous and very funny writers!

And a contributing writer at where I get to indulge all my denim fantasies.

7 For All Mankind

31 responses »

  1. sooooo fun Paula! I love reading your blogs. Can’t wait to read the next one. You have a beautiful gift. Thanks for sharing and making me laugh!!! xoxo mary rozada

  2. Glad you were FP’d so I found your blog. Great post about the “wave”. I’m an American living in Norway. If I tried the wave when I lived in Oslo, no one would have noticed because eye contact with strangers is not an option. Thankfully, I’m I live in the North Cape now and the wave is much more like the mid-west. I wish you the best on your writing career. Looks very promising.

  3. I heart The Wave (wave with a smile). Thanks for making that post and thanks for following! Just read your 10 Things.. post and I laughed my little heart out.

  4. Mamma…..I love it…ur whole site and blogs…wow didn’t know you liked to write and are so good at I……so proud of you …reallycool and neat…the best of luck on all upcoming blogs and stories… you friend! Bravo!

    Love jennifer

  5. Pingback: Nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award | Expatially Mexico

    • Thank you so much. I love those blogger awards. They make you feel so good! I have been nominated for a few of them lately and I am working on something to pass them all on and give recognition to all the bloggers who were so thoughtful as to nominate me!

  6. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. This is my first time participating in a chain letter type award. I hope that you realize that there are a few reasons I am doing this: 1) To thank you for the inspiration you have given me as I learn the blogging ropes 2) To share your talents with my friends, families, and followers. I hope that you will graciously accept this award from a newbie like me!

  7. Hi Paula! I see you’ve been getting a lot of awards already and I am sure you have a space to add one more!. Anywho, I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. This is just my way of letting you know that your posts bring smiles to me and have inspired me. Details of the award here.

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