Monthly Archives: January 2017

Lima, Peru: CATS Revisited


img_1663Lima was our jump off point both coming and going on our trip to Peru.  Truth be told, we did not leave much time to see things in Lima.  We spent a few hours at the Convent of San Francisco after convincing a tour guide to take us on a private tour of the Catacombs underneath to see the bones…


And spent some time in Centro de Lima at the Hotel Bolivar and area…

img_1658img_1655But mostly, we were obsessed with the “cat park”  in Mira Flores.  Also known as Parque Kennedy.   Now, those who know me know I am partial to cats (good thing my dogs can’t read) – I have always owned them and, well,  I’ve been one. So it seemed only natural to explore the infamous cat park of Mira Flores.

The cat park is a sanctuary for stray cats – not feral, just stray – where they are looked after, protected, sometimes adopted when the population gets too big and loved by all visitors to the park.  In fact we quickly learned, as far as the cats were concerned, if you are in the park you were there to serve…them… in one capacity (providing a lap) or another (providing food). If you sat down anywhere in the park, it wouldn’t be long before you had one, or more visitors.



When a lap was not to be had, they made do with each other…


Or the heat coming up through the sidewalk grate.img_1668And were ecstatic when the “Cat Man” to arrived with food and treats!

img_1660img_1661img_1659We spent time there both coming and going through Lima.  Possibly at the sacrifice of seeing some other things – which I am sure in the cats’ mind, was as it should be.

And with one final photo of this Men’s clothing store mannequin, our trip to South America was complete, for the time being, at least.

img_1654Thus concludes the adventures of our South American Summer.

Next up – A Spanish Fall!

For more on South America: Go Here

For more Sweet Spot Travel: Go Here