Monthly Archives: December 2016

Machu Picchu: Getting There and Away


img_0937The “Coup de Gras” of all trips to Peru – getting to Machu Picchu!

While it is much easier than back in the day when the only way to reach Machu Picchu was by hiking the Inca Trail (which can be done – with lots of hand holding tours) – it is still a bit involved. The town at the base of MP, Aguascalientes, is only accessible by train – no cars.  And, the only way to get there by train is to catch from Cusco or Oyantaytambo.

We chose the Oyantaytambo route – mostly because of the multitude of things too see in the drive from Cusco to Oyantaytambo (ruins, salt mines, crop circles, quaint towns, more ruins). But, Oyantaytambo is the end of the line, from the quest to Machu Picchu standpoint…


So, early in the morning, we walked to the train station in Oyantaytambo.


In a market at the entrance to the train station was a woman selling the best coffee in all of Peru (I kid not!) for a few cents.  Had Machu Picchu not been our quest, I believe Teen and I would have gotten back off the train to get another cup.  However, it was not to be – and so we settled in for the beautiful train ride through the canyon of looming mountains – headed towards Aguascalientes.


The trip was beautiful with mountains rising up on both sides of the train, along the canyon river, and ending in the rustic town of Aguascalientes…


And before we did the journey in reverse on yet another train…


We completed our quest and made for Machu Picchu…

img_0929Next: Machu Picchu!

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