Ruins of Peru: Rock Sliding in Saqsayhuaman

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Jaguar Teeth

The ruins of Saqsayhuaman were impressive – ok, maybe not Machu Picchu impressive. Nonetheless, in addition to the pretty cool “Jaguar Teeth” rock construction (see above and below),

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And some awesomely huge, oddly fit together stones,

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That is one big rock…

Saqsayhuaman Ruins had one thing no other ruins we have ever been to, offered…

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A naturally smoothed rock slide! Nothing was put on the rock to make it smooth – no Disney-esk manipulations.  Just smoothed by time, and a lot of behinds. We felt the need to contribute…

The Teens spent most of our time at Saqsayhuaman going down one way,


or another…


Racing with new local friends,

photo-jul-30-11-33-37-amUntil it was time to leave,

Processed with VSCO with kk2 presetFor Marco and the ruins of Pisaq awaited!

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  1. Pingback: South American Summer: Peru & Colombia | Looking for the Sweet Spot

  2. Pingback: Machu Picchu: Getting There and Away | Looking for the Sweet Spot