Tag Archives: gold museum

Bogota, Colombia: City Sites

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Pigeon King of the Corn

In total, our time in Bogota, Colombia amounted to not much more than a long layover on our way to Lima, Peru. However, we are always prepared to make the most of our time – even when it is limited.  In such cases, it is necessary to become street walkers.

Not the kind that make money (although we could have used the extra pesos), but the kind that leave the hotel and don’t return until the “route” is done – hitting all the necessary, not to miss, points of interest.

And while it is true, I like to make the teens hang out in doorways…

For the most part, we keep on the move in order to see all we can in our short time.

First stop, Plaza Bolivar

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Plaza Bolivar

And because pigeons everywhere seem to have an insatiable desire for corn (or, well, anything) …

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Pigeon feeding in the Plaza

Next stop, Senora del Carmen church (or as we came to call it “The Candy Stripe Church”). Sometimes, I get sidetracked enjoying the people in a city – like this adorable Mom and daughter in matching pink animal print…


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Senora del Carmen Church

But, I eventually get back with the program and on with the route.photo-jul-27-10-14-59-am

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Candy stripe church ceiling.

We also wandered past the President’s house where they were getting ready for…something – no one seemed to know what exactly, including the police officers on duty.  We stood around waiting with the rest of the mystified crowd for a while but eventually decided to press on.Processed with VSCO with n1 preset

We did not want to be too late to go through the gold museum – the Museo International de la Esmeralda.  As Teen put it – he did not want to miss a chance to be surrounded by all that wealth.

And with some last appreciation of the architecture.photo-jul-27-9-56-01-amSome hanging with the locals…

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And a snack…photo-jul-26-10-07-02-pmWe were back at our hotel to enjoy the view of the rooftops before flying to Lima the next day.Processed with VSCO with hb2 preset

For other posts on Bogota and Peru: Go Here

For more Sweet Spot Travel: Go Here

Next time:  Peru: Flying over the Lines of Nazca!