Tag Archives: santa monica

SoCal Mini Break: Beach Time

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Sunset surfers in Marina Del Rey

There comes a moment in every native Californian’s life when getting to a beach is of great rejuvenating import.  Having relocated to the midwest several years ago, times arise when being on a coast line, if only for a few days, is desperately essential.

Just by luck, at the moment of my urgent need to get sand in my luggage,  I happened to be traveling through LAX on a trip.  So, at long last, I found myself in my old stomping ground of Marina del Rey for a precious few days to soak up all the beach time possible.

Marina del Rey, always delivers –  with it’s long pier…

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Steady, straight coast line…

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Beautiful sunsets…

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Wall art..


Plus, just a short jaunt away, is Santa Monica Beach and boardwalk…

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And after three days, I was not even close to having my fill…

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So, I will be back, soon … probably with that sand still in my luggage.

Next time: Venice Beach Boardwalk!

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