Bogota, Colombia: Graffiti Art Tour


Drug Store mural

We love a good graffiti mural.  In fact, the Teens and I seek them out everywhere we travel- and as a special perk, I can pretty much always get them to pose for me in front of their favorites.

The streets themselves have an art all their own –

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Bogota, Colombia


In the city of Bogota, vast amounts of construction are under way,


But, the art can still be seen around just about every corner.

Here are some of our favorites!


The Cat mural


The 80’s Mural


Fly away to the heavens mural.


Mural for a Pizza restaurant – Day of the dead meets Pizza cutters…


A helping hand mural.


The whole Cat mural which extended across two buildings and a door.

Even in obscure places could be found the most intriguing images – like this one that was just a small square of about 12″x 12″ etched into the wall of an abandoned building.

photo-jul-27-11-44-20-amIn truth, I would have liked more time to explore and photograph all of the city art.  Hopefully, the saying is true… there is always a next time!

For more on Peru and Columbia: Go Here

For more Sweet Spot Travel: Go Here

Next time:  Bogota, Colombia: City Sites


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